Wednesday, November 7, 2007

seagulls in flight

seagulls in flight, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This was a happy accident, cropped for maximum effect. I love the way the blurred bird in the background suggests movement, and that there's a nice curve from top right to bottom left.

Friday, November 2, 2007


trillium, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This was taken in natural light in a dark patch of woods. I like the way the sunlight makes it shine as if under a flash.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

layered hills

layered hills, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Don't I live in a beautiful place? This is completely unprocessed - no cropping, layering, exposure control. Nothing - just as came out of the camera. I love the soft layers of colours.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Beardie Mountaineers

Beardie Mountaineers, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Today we hiked "mini Doug" in Mt. Doug park. It's one of my favourite walks, and I was especially happy that Cholmondely, the brown dog in the back of this shot, was able to come and make it to the top. He's 14 years old. I love the feeling of movement and airyness in this photo.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


nasturtium, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

I think I might play around with this in PS a bit more - maybe put it against a white background. I'm pleased with the translucency of the petals and the composition (uncropped). Do click to the Flickr page to see it in full - I seem to lose some of the right hand side in here.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Boo!, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

I'm not a big fan of spiders, but have to confess that this guy looks less scary close up and side-lit with a flashlight. Almost cuddly? (not)

Taken with 60mm macro lens, no tripod, lit with a flashlight on the side of my bathtub.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cloud's reflection

Cloud's reflection, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Sightseeing, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

On the steps of the Notre Dame in Montmartre, this guy was flat out drunk with a bottle beside him. I wouldn't normally invade his privacy like this - it's the expression on the tourist's face that I find so striking.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Robinson on Mountain

Robinson on Mountain, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This is my iconic dog photo. This to me captures the moment of stopping at the top of a hike to admire the view both of the surroundings and of my dog happy in his element. Taken with my old Olympus Camedia digital point-and-shoot.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

view across Gorge

view across Gorge, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This was taken for the Victoria Grid Project group on Flickr. It was a blazingly beautiful day, and I like the bright colours of sky, roofs and water.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

A Delicate Balance

A Delicate Balance, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This is one of a series I took of this ladybird climbing around on my t-shirt and then on my chair.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hallway, Versailles

Hallway, Versailles, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Not only was this one of the few places in Versailles that wasn't crowded with people, I love the way the lines and light make it look as if the hallway goes on forever.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Cat-on-the-wall, or "Damn the Paparazzi!"

I love the expression on this cat's face.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wood duck

Wood duck, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

I love te colours in this, but particularly the water effect. This was a successful shot more by chance than design. Birds are one of the most difficult things to caputre, and sometimes you just have to point click and hope for good results afterwards.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Girl in Window, China

girl in window, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This is a scanned slide, taken in China in 1985. It is exactly "as shot" - no Photoshop or cropping. Now, I would adjust the lines somewhat and probably do a closer crop, but I like seeing what I could do without processing so many years ago.

It's taken at a building site near Tsingtao (where the beer comes from), on the East coast of China. I was struck by the loneliness of the figure and wonder what she was thinking about.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Paris Mosque

Paris Mosque, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Out behind the back of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, you find this wonderful building. I like the geometric lines and shapes in this photo.

Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/640)
Aperture: f/13
Focal Length: 80 mm

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Monet's poppy field, Giverny

Monet's poppy field, Giverny, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

I've often tried and failed to take a successful shot of a flowery meadow. Too often, they turn out flat and boring, when you want to capture the mass of colour and the depth. I find that it's better to resist the temptation to use a wide angle - a narrower focus brings everything to the foreground more. Then I used a wide open aperture to create more depth of field. And this from Giverny is one of my more successful shots of this kind.

Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 80 mm

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Frog, Jardin des Plantes, Paris

Frog, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

As I strolled through the plantings of the Jardin des Plantes, I was surprised to hear loud and distinct croaking of frogs. To one side of the path was a small lily pond, in which there were probably dozens of healthy, happy frogs flopping around in the water and sitting on the pads croaking their little hearts out. This is one of them.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Cholmondeley the Fire Demon

Chums on the cliff, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

My Flickr photostream is filled with many shots of my two Bearded Collies, Cholmondeley and Robinson. This is an early shot of Cholmondeley (Chums for short) when he was quite young, shot on film and scanned.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Windflower, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This is one of my more successful macro shots. The blur of the dof and the bokeh give the impression of delicacy and movement in the other flowers, but the center is sharply in focus.

0.001 sec (1/800)
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 60 mm macro lens
mini tripod used

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mont St Michel Rear View

Mont St Michel Rear View, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Here, I was trying to capture the sense of space - the vastness of the bay behind the Mont and the distance you were from everywhere. The sand goes on for miles. It also conveys the quiet - what it must have been like in the old days before hundreds of tourists crawl all over it every day. I liked to think of a knight on horseback thundering over the sand (though he'd have to beware of the quicksand!)

Taken with a Canon Rebel XT 18mm lens 1/500 f/14

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Owl 2, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

One evening, when I came home from work, as I walked away from my car my eye was caught by a shadow moving across the front of my house, which was dark but lit from the front by a streetlight. I shivered a little, because it was slightly spooky (and I'd been watching Buffy on dvd), turned to go up the path and again movement caught my eye, this time on the ground. Thinking it was a dog or a cat, I walked towards the shape on the ground, and to my great surprise realized that it was this owl. As I approached, it flew up into a small tree in front of my neighbour's house. I sped inside to get my camera. This and others in this series were taken handheld, without a flash, the exposure pushed up in photoshop in postprocessing.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Vanishing point, Southwold

Vanishing point, Southwold, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

This is one of my favourite shots ever (so far). However, I've got better at using some tools in Photoshop since I took this (May 2006) and need to think about revisiting it to correct the perspective a bit.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Victoria misty skyline

Victoria misty skyline, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Taken for the Flickr 07-07-07 project, fairly early in the morning looking east from Esquimalt Lagoon. Photoshopped with a blue filter to enhance the misty layers.

Taken with Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT, 200mm lens, f/20, 1/320.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


shell, originally uploaded by Debbie G.

Taken July 13, 2007 with Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. 55mm f/5.8 1/640.

Taken while walking my dogs on Island View Beach, Victoria, B.C.